Natalie Sontopski, Stephan Hildebrandt, Lena Marcella Nischwitz, Klaus Stephan, Albrecht Kurze, Lewis L Chuang, and Arne Berger. 2024. Wheel of Plush: A Co-Design Toolkit for Exploring the Design Space of Smart Soft Toy Materiality. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2958–2971. https://doi.org/10.1145/3643834.3660744
Sophia Ppali, Marina Pasia, Sara Wolf, Jihae Han, Reese Muntean, Minyoung Yoo, Kasper Rodil, Arne Berger, Andreas Papallas, Luigina Ciolfi, John Stevens, and Alexandra Covaci. 2024. Sensing Heritage: Exploring Creative Approaches for Capturing, Experiencing and Safeguarding the Sensorial Aspects of Cultural Heritage. In Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 445–448. https://doi.org/10.1145/3656156.3658400
Romain Toebosch, Arne Berger, and Carine Lallemand. 2024. Non-judgmental Interfaces: A New Design Space for Personal Informatics. In Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 166–170. https://doi.org/10.1145/3656156.3663706
Britta Schulte, Alexa Becker, Benedikt Haupt, Arne Berger, Christian Pentzold. 2024: futurehomestories: Integrierte Forschung als Co-Creation Praxis; Abschlussbericht zum Projekt futurehomestories. Hochschule Anhalt / Fachbereich Informatik und Sprachen. Köthen: Edition Hochschule Anhalt. http://dx.doi.org/10.25673/116480
Iohanna Nicenboim, Joseph Lindley, Cristina Zaga, Arne Berger, Laura Forlano, Elisa Giaccardi: More-than-human Design in Practice. In: DRS Conference 2024. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.114
Arne Berger, Julia Weller, Miriam Sturdee, David Philip Green, Jesse Josua Benjamin, Alessandro Soro, Mafalda Gamboa, Joseph Lindley: Research through Designers: A Pictorial Reflection on Engagements, Encounters, and Environments at a Design Research Jamboree. In: DRS Conference 2024. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.210
Minyoung Yoo, William Odom, Arne Berger, Sam Barnett, Sadhbh Kenny, Priscilla Lo, Samein Shamsher, Gillian Russell, and Lauren Knight. 2024. Remembering through Sound: Co-creating Sound-based Mementos with People with Blindness. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613904.203641940
Benedikt Haupt, Christian Pentzold, Alexa Becker, Arne Berger. 2023. Designing alternative future home stories. In: GI-Edition. Proceedings / Gesellschaft für Informatik. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik. ISSN: 1617-5468. ZDB-ID: 2665448-9. DOI: 10.18420/inf2023_99
Minyoung Yoo, Arne Berger, Joseph Lindley, David Philip Green, Yana Boeva, Iohanna Nicenboim, and William Odom. 2023. Beyond Academic Publication: Alternative Outcomes of HCI Research. In Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 114–116. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563703.3591458
Arne Berger, Albrecht Kurze, Andreas Bischof, Jesse Josua Benjamin, Richmond Y. Wong, and Nick Merrill. 2023. Accidentally Evil: On Questionable Values in Smart Home Co-Design. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 629, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581504
Jesse Josua Benjamin, Heidi Biggs, Arne Berger, Julija Rukanskaitė, Michael B. Heidt, Nick Merrill, James Pierce, and Joseph Lindley. 2023. The Entoptic Field Camera as Metaphor-Driven Research-through-Design with AI Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 178, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581175
Yana Boeva, Arne Berger, Andreas Bischof, Olivia Doggett, Hendrik Heuer, Juliane Jarke, Pat Treusch, Roger Andre Søraa, Zhasmina Tacheva, and Maja-Lee Voigt. 2023. Behind the Scenes of Automation: Ghostly Care-Work, Maintenance, and Interferences: Exploring participatory practices and methods to uncover the ghostly presence of humans and human labor in automation. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 332, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3573830
Rong Huang, Jana Rödig, Arne Berger, Johannes Tümler. 2022. Ein Virtuelles Biotech-Haus für das Lehren in der Biotechnologie. In Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. pp. 77-85. https://doi.org/10.18420/delfi2022-ws-17
Joseph Lindley, David Philip Green, Mayane Dore, Zach Mason, Claire Coulton, Arne Berger, Miriam Sturdee: Communicating the value of design research. In: Proceedings of DRS 2022. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.888
Henrik Mucha, Ana Correia de Barros, Jesse Josua Benjamin, Christoph Benzmüller, Andreas Bischof, Sandra Buchmüller, Alexandra de Carvalho, Anna-Katharina Dhungel, Claude Draude, Marc-Julian Fleck, Juliane Jarke, Stefanie Klein, Caroline Kortekaas, Albrecht Kurze, Diane Linke, Franzisca Maas, Nicola Marsden, Ricardo Melo, Susanne Michel, Claudia Müller-Birn, Monika Pröbster, Katja Antonia Rießenberger, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Peter Sörries, Julia Stilke, Torben Volkmann, Anne Weibert, Wilhelm Weinhold, Sara Wolf, Isabel Zorn, Michael Heidt, Arne Berger. 2022. Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany. In: i-com, vol. 21, no. 2, 2022, pp. 283-298. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2021-0030
Alexa Becker, Benedikt Haupt, Arne Berger & Christian Pentzold (2022) Future home stories: participatory predicaments and methodological scaffolding in narrative speculation on alternative domestic lives, Digital Creativity, 33:3, 276-294, DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2022.2082488
Minyoung Yoo, Lauren Knight, William Odom, and Arne Berger. 2022. Storywork & Reciprocity: On the Design of an Audio Documentary that Extends HCI Research back to Participants. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’22), June 13–17, 2022, Virtual Event, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3532106.3533539
Simone Mora, Monica Divitini, Albrecht Kurze, Arne Berger, Martina Mazzarello, and Dries De Roeck. 2022. Virtual and in-person co-design workshops: from alternative to complementary approaches. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’22), June 20–23, 2022, Venice, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3527927.3531209
Arne Berger, Michael Heidt, Alexa Becker, Benedikt Haupt, Christian Pentzold, Albrecht Kurze, Dries De Roeck, Jesse Josua Benjamin, and Simone Mora. 2021. Diversifying Approaches to Co-Designing the Smart Everyday. In: G. Bruyns and H. Wei (Eds.): IASDR 2021, [] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes, p. 3622, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4472-7_248Workshop at IASDR 2021. Hongkong.
Henrik Mucha, Franzisca Maas, Claude Draude, Julia Stilke, Juliane Jarke, Andreas Bischof, Nicola Marsden, Arne Berger, Sara Wolf, Sandra Buchmüller. & Susanne Maaß.(2021). Partizipative & sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. In: Wienrich, C., Wintersberger, P. & Weyers, B. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2021 – Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. DOI: https://10.18420/muc2021-mci-ws06-114
William Odom, Arne Berger, Dries De Roeck. 2021. Co-Designing and Co-Speculating on Different Forms of Domestic Smart Things. In. Marco Rozendaal & Betti Marenko: Designing Smart Objects in Everyday Life. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Jesse Josua Benjamin, Arne Berger, Nick Merrill, James Pierce. 2021. Machine Learning Uncertainty as a Design Material: A Post-Phenomenological Inquiry into Pragmatic Concepts for Design Research. In. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2021. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445481
MinYoung Yoo, William Odom, Arne Berger. 2021. Understanding Everyday Experiences of Reminiscence for People Living with Blindness: Practices, Tensions and Probing New Design Possibilities. In. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2021. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445212
Albrecht Kurze, Andreas Bischof, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Maximilian Eibl, Margot Brereton and Arne Berger. 2020. Guess The Data: Data Work To Understand How People Make Sense Of And Use Simple Sensor Data From Homes. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2020. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376273
Pat Treusch, Daniela Rosner, Arne Berger. 2020. Useful Uselessness? Teaching Robots to Knit with Humans. In Proceedings of the 2020 DIS Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2020. ACM. New York. USA ISBN 978-1-4503-6974-9/20/07. https://doi.org/10.1145/3357236.3395582
Min Yoo, William Odom, Arne Berger. 2020. Understanding How Audio Mediates Experiences of Reminiscence for People Living with Blindness. In DIS ’20 Companion, July 6–10, 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ACM, New York. ISBN 978-1-4503-7987-8/20/07. https://doi.org/10.1145/3393914.3395852
Andreas Bischof, Mira Mariane Freiermuth, Michael Storz, Albrecht Kurze und Arne Berger. 2019. Living Labs« als Beispiel für die konzeptionellen Herausforderungen der Integration von Menschen in Technikentwicklung. In: Arne Mantzeschke und Bruno Gransche: Das Geteilte Ganze. Springer, Wiesbaden. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-26342-3
Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, and Arne Berger. 2019. A Collaborative Landscaping Exercise of IoT Design Methods. In Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (OZCHI’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 307–311. https://doi.org/10.1145/3369457.3369484
Michael Heidt, Arne Berger, and Andreas Bischof. 2019. Blockchain and Trust: A Practice-Based Inquiry. In _HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. eCommerce and Consumer Behavior, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah and Keng Siau (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 148–158. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22335-9_10
Albrecht Kurze, Arne Berger, and Teresa Denefleh. 2019. From Ideation to Implications: Directions for the Internet of Things in the Home. In Workshop “New Directions for the IoT” at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2019.
Michael Heidt, Andreas Bischof, and Arne Berger. 2019. Interactional Aesthetics of Blockchain Technology. In HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. eCommerce and Consumer Behavior, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah and Keng Siau (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 137–147. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22335-9_9
Arne Berger, Scarlet Siebert, Sandra Buchmüller, and Claude Draude. 2019. Partizipative & sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. In Mensch und Computer 2019 – Workshopband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2019-ws-119
Arne Berger, Andreas Bischof, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Kevin Lefeuvre, and Albrecht Kurze. 2019. Sensing Home: Participatory Exploration of Smart Sensors in the Home. In Social Internet of Things, Alessandro Soro, Margot Brereton and Paul Roe (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 123–142. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94659-7_7
Teresa Denefleh, Arne Berger, Albrecht Kurze, Andreas Bischof, and Christopher Frauenberger. 2019. Sensorstation: Exploring Simple Sensor Data in the Context of a Shared Apartment. In Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference – DIS ’19, 683–695. https://doi.org/10.1145/3322276.3322309
Arne Berger, William Odom, Michael Storz, Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, and Eva Hornecker. 2019. The Inflatable Cat: Idiosyncratic Ideation of Smart Objects for the Home. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290605.3300631
Arne Berger, Aloha Hufana Ambe, Alessandro Soro, Dries De Roeck, and Margot Brereton. 2019. The Stories People Tell About The Home Through IoT Toolkits. In Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference – DIS ’19, 7–19. https://doi.org/10.1145/3322276.3322308
Arne Berger and Dhaval Vyas. 2018. A personal perspective on the value of cross-cultural fieldwork. Interactions 25, 3: 61–65. https://doi.org/10.1145/3194335
Kevin Lefeuvre, Soeren Totzauer, Michael Storz, Albrecht Kurze, Andreas Bischof, and Arne Berger. 2018. Bricks, Blocks, Boxes, Cubes, and Dice: On the Role of Cubic Shapes for the Design of Tangible Interactive Devices. In Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018 – DIS ’18, 485–496. https://doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196768
Albrecht Kurze, Kevin Lefeuvre, Michael Storz, Sören Totzauer, Andreas Bischof, and Arne Berger. 2018. Do-It-Yourself Development For The Internet Of Things – Cheap And Easy. In Workshop “Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research” at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2018.
Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Kevin Lefeuvre, and Arne Berger. 2018. Initiating Participation: Methodological and Practical Challenges of Living Lab Projects for Early Stages of Research and Development. In Conference Proceedings Open Living Lab Days 2018, 407 – 421. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1434972
Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Mira Freiermuth, and Arne Berger. 2018. Living Labs zur Initiierung von Partizipation in der HCI. https://doi.org/10.18420/MUC2018-WS14-0545
Johanna Richter, Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Mira Freiermuth, Michael Storz, Kevin Lefeuvre, and Arne Berger. 2018. Machtförmige Praktiken durch Sensordaten in Wohnungen. In Mensch und Computer 2018 – Tagungsband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-mci-0253
Claude Draude, Arne Berger, and Sandra Buchmüller. 2018. Partizipative & sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. In Mensch und Computer 2018 – Workshopband. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2018-ws02-0117
Arne Berger, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Kevin Lefeuvre, Andreas Bischof, and Mira Freiermuth. 2018. Sensing Home: Designing an Open Tool That Lets People Collect and Interpret Simple Sensor Data from Their Homes. i-com 17, 2: 153–167. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2018-0013
Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, Michael Storz, Sören Totzauer, Kevin Lefeuvre, Sebastian Jakob, and Arne Berger. 2017. „Sensing Home“: Sensordaten für IoT-Produkte im Kontext Wohnen methodisch situieren. https://doi.org/10.18420/IN2017_125
Albrecht Kurze, Arne Berger, and Sören Totzauer. 2017. A “Kinder” Surprise: Big Brother Is Watching You(r) Humidity Values. In Workshop “Making Home” at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2017. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net
Kevin Lefeuvre, Albrecht Kurze, Soeren Totzauer, Michael Storz, Andreas Bischof, and Arne Berger. 2017. Demo hour: Loaded Dice. ACM interactions 24, 3: 10–13.
Aysegül Dogangün, Nils Beckmann, and Arne Berger. 2017. Interdisciplinary Research in Assistive Systems. i-com 16, 2: 69–69. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2017-0021
Kevin Lefeuvre, Sören Totzauer, Andreas Bischof, Michael Storz, Albrecht Kurze, and Arne Berger. 2017. Loaded Dice: How to cheat your way to creativity. In Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference. https://doi.org/DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.4746976
Arne Berger, Kevin Lefeuvre, and Sören Totzauer. 2017. Multisensory Prototyping for Smart Connected Things. In Workshop “New Directions for the IoT” at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2017.
Arne Berger, Andreas Bischof, Sören Totzauer, Kevin Lefeuvre, Michael Storz, and Albrecht Kurze. 2017. Partizipatives Entwerfen Soziotechnischer Systeme. In INFORMATIK 2017, 669. https://doi.org/10.18420/in2017_62
Arne Berger. 2017. Understanding the Informal Support Networks of Older Adults in India. In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2017, Regina Bernhaupt, Girish Dalvi, Anirudha Joshi, Devanuj K. Balkrishan, Jacki O’Neill and Marco Winckler (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 509–512. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68059-0_62
Arne Berger, Sören Totzauer, Kevin Lefeuvre, Michael Storz, Albrecht Kurze, and Andreas Bischof. 2017. Wicked, Open, Collaborative: Why Research through Design Matters for HCI Research. i-com 16, 2: 131–142. https://doi.org/10.1515/icom-2017-0014
Albrecht Kurze, Kevin Lefeuvre, Michael Storz, Andreas Bischof, Sören Totzauer, and Arne Berger. 2016. Explorative Co-Design-Werkzeuge zum Entwerfen von Smart Connected Things am Beispiel eines Workshops mit Blinden und Sehbehinderten. In Zweite Transdisziplinäre Konferenz Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen., 395–400. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from http://tinyurl.com/janya26
Andreas Bischof, Kevin Lefeuvre, Albrecht Kurze, Michael Storz, Sören Totzauer, and Arne Berger. 2016. Exploring the Playfulness of Tools for Co-Designing Smart Connected Devices: A Case Study with Blind and Visually Impaired Students. In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts (CHI PLAY Companion ’16), 93–99. https://doi.org/10.1145/2968120.2987728
Arne Berger, Andreas Bischof, Kevin Lefeuvre, Albrecht Kurze, Michael Storz, and Sören Totzauer. 2016. Loaded Dice: Ein Co-Design Werkzeug zum Entwerfen mit blinden und sehbehinderten Partizipanten im IoT. In Informatik 2016, 1131–1136.
Kevin Lefeuvre, Sören Totzauer, Andreas Bischof, Albrecht Kurze, Michael Storz, Lisa Ullmann, and Arne Berger. 2016. Loaded Dice: Exploring the Design Space of Connected Devices with Blind and Visually Impaired People. In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI ’16), 31:1–31:10. https://doi.org/10.1145/2971485.2971524
Kevin Lefeuvre, Arne Berger, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, and Andreas Bischof. 2016. Smart Connected Sensations: Co-Creating Smart Connected Applications Through Distributed Serendipity. In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI ’16), 88:1–88:4. https://doi.org/10.1145/2971485.2996723
Arne Berger, Michael Heidt, and Maximilian Eibl. 2015. Conduplicated Symmetries: Renegotiating the Material Basis of Prototype Research. In ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1, Amaresh Chakrabarti (ed.). Springer India, New Delhi, 71–78. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-2232-3_7
Arne Berger and Michael Heidt. 2015. Exploring Prototypes in Interaction Design – Qualitative Analysis & Playful Design Method. In Proceedings of IASDR2015, the 6th World Conference on Design Research, 2487–2494. Retrieved from https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91449/
Michael Heidt, Kalja Kanellopoulos, Arne Berger, and Paul Rosenthal. 2015. Incommensurable Writings – Examining the Status of Gender Difference Within HCI Coding Practices. In Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions, Aaron Marcus (ed.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 196–205. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20898-5_19
Arne Berger, Kevin Lefeuvre, Michael Heidt, and Maximilian Eibl. 2015. Miteinander: Engaging Intergenerational Participation With Playful Methods & Intelligent Things. In Workshop “Unfolding Participation. What do we mean by participation–conceptually and in practice” The Aarhus Decennial Series: Critial Alternatives.
Arne Berger, Maximilian Eibl, Stephan Heinich, Robert Herms, Stefan Kahl, and Jens Kürsten. 2015. ValidAX-Validierung der Frameworks AMOPA und XTRIEVAL: Vorhaben im Rahmen des Programms Validierung des Innovationspotenzials wissenschaftlicher Forschung-VIP: Schlussbericht. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät Informatik, Professur Medieninformatik.
Arne Berger, Maximilian Eibl, Vera Fink, Stefan Kahl, Stefanie Müller, Benjamin Schürer, and Julia Weller. 2014. Der Personal Spacer – Ein Werkzeug zur Gestaltung persönlicher Räume. Mensch und Computer.
Thomas Fritzsche, Stefanie Müller, Arne Berger, and Maximilian Eibl. 2014. Location Based Video Flipping: Implementation Of An Interactive Prototype. In Workshop “Interactive Content Consumption” at ACM TVX 2014.
Arne Berger, Thomas Fritzsche, Michael Heidt, and Maximilian Eibl. 2014. Location Based Video Flipping: Navigating Geospatial Videos in Lean Back Settings. In Workshop “Interactive Content Consumption” at ACM TVX 2014. Retrieved November 27, 2019 from http://figshare.com/
Michael Heidt, Linda Pfeiffer, Arne Berger, and Paul Rosenthal. 2014. PRMD. In Mensch & Computer 2014 – Workshopband, 045–048.
Arne Berger. 2014. Prototypen im Interaktionsdesign: Klassifizierung der Dimensionen von Entwurfsartefakten zur Optimierung der Kooperation von Design und Informatik. Univ.-Verl, Chemnitz.
Jennifer Bohn, Maximilian Eibl, Arne Berger, and Stefanie Müller. 2014. Study-Town: a Game for Cultural Awareness. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Workshop on Serious Games – SeriousGames ’14, 51–56. https://doi.org/10.1145/2656719.2656722
Arne Berger, Michael Heidt, and Maximilian Eibl. 2014. Towards a Vocabulary of Prototypes in Interaction Design – A Criticism of Current Practice. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for Designing the User Experience, Aaron Marcus (ed.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 25–32. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07668-3_3
Wolf Landmann and Arne Berger. 2012. Designdenken in Deutschland. In Mensch & Computer 2012 – Workshopband: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend⁉, 179–183.
Arne Berger, Maximilian Eibl, Stephan Heinich, Robert Knauf, Jens Kürsten, Albrecht Kurze, Markus Rickert, and Marc Ritter. 2012. Schlussbericht zum InnoProfile Forschungsvorhaben sachsMedia-Cooperative Producing, Storage, Retrieval, and Distribution of Audiovisual Media (FKZ: 03IP608).
Arne Berger, Maximilian Eibl, Robert Knauf, Jens Kürsten, Albrecht Kurze, and Marc Ritter. 2011. Bausteine des personalisierten Video Publishing. i-com 10, 1. https://doi.org/10.1524/icom.2011.0006
Arne Berger. 2011. Design thinking for search user interface design. In “1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval” at British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (BCS-HCI 2011), 1–4.
Arne Berger and Uli Straub. 2011. Designdenken in Deutschland. In Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011. überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen, 343–344.
Arne Berger. 2011. Kreative Intelligenz: Über die Kreativität im Denken. In Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011. überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen, 345–349.
Arne Berger, Robert Knauf, Maximilian Eibl, and Aaron Marcus. 2011. Moody mobile TV: adding emotion to personalized playlists. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services – MobileHCI ’11, 623. https://doi.org/10.1145/2037373.2037471
Arne Berger, Robert Knauf, Maximilian Eibl, and Aaron Marcus. 2011. Moody Mobile TV: Exploring TV Clips with Personalized Playlists. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice, Aaron Marcus (ed.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 541–548. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21675-6_62
Robert Knauf, Jens Kürsten, Albrecht Kurze, Marc Ritter, Arne Berger, Stephan Heinich, and Maximilian Eibl. 2011. Produce. annotate. archive. repurpose: accelerating the composition and metadata accumulation of tv content. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international workshop on Automated media analysis and production for novel TV services – AIEMPro ’11, 31. https://doi.org/10.1145/2072552.2072560
Robert Knauf, Arne Berger, and Maximilian Eibl. 2010. Constraints and simplification for a better mobile video annotation and content customization process. In Workshop “Bridging among People, Places and Devices by Integrated, Ambient and Playful Social Media Approaches” at 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video (EuroITV 2010).
Arne Berger. 2010. User interface for filtering videos interconnecting high level and intellectual metadata. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces – IUI ’10, 401. https://doi.org/10.1145/1719970.1720042
Arne Berger. 2009. Beyond Basic Blanks – Akzeptanz adaptiver Annotations- und Rechercheoberflächen. In Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien WAM 2009, 41–46.
Arne Berger and Jens Kürsten. 2009. Beyond Basic Blanks – Vertrauenserhaltende, schrittweise Implementierung neuer Funktionen im Information Retrieval. In Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien WAM 2009, 31–40.
Albrecht Kurze, Robert Knauf, and Arne Berger. 2009. Dynamische Distribution personalisierten Mobilfernsehens in hybriden Netzen. In Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien WAM 2009, 201–216.
Robert Knauf, Albrecht Kurze, and Arne Berger. 2009. Mobile Personal TV.
Arne Berger. 2009. skizzup.de ein digitales Whiteboard im Sinne des Web 2.0. In Mensch & Computer 2009: Grenzenlos frei_⁉_, 443–448.
Arne Berger, Jens Kürsten, and Maximilian Eibl. 2009. Visual String of Reformulation. In Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction, Gavriel Salvendy and Michael J. Smith (eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 239–248. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02559-4_27